React фреймворк Fluent.

Фронтенд розробка JavaScript. -> React фреймворк Fluent.

React фреймворк Fluent.

[посилання на сайт] (

Швидкий старт проекту.

npx create-react-app fluent --template typescript

Встановлення ліби.

npm install @fluentui/react --save 
npm install office-ui-fabric-react --save

Виводимо кнопки.

import React from 'react';адгуте
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
import { DefaultButton, PrimaryButton, Stack, IStackTokens } from 'office-ui-fabric-react';

function App(props: any) {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Stack horizontal>
        <DefaultButton text="Standard" onClick={_alertClicked} allowDisabledFocus disabled={props.disabled} checked={props.checked} />
        <PrimaryButton text="Primary" onClick={_alertClicked} allowDisabledFocus disabled={props.disabled} checked={props.checked} />

function _alertClicked(): void {

export default App;

start page

Змінюємо колір.

<PrimaryButton style={{ backgroundColor: '#FE0000' }} text="Primary" />

Кнопки з меню та іконки.

Включаємо іконки до src/index.tsx

import { initializeIcons } from '@uifabric/icons';

Імпортуємо інтерфейси та застосовуємо.

import { CommandBarButton, IIconProps, IContextualMenuProps } from 'office-ui-fabric-react';

function App(props: any) {
  const addIcon: IIconProps = { iconName: 'Add' };
  const mailIcon: IIconProps = { iconName: 'Mail' };
  const menuProps: IContextualMenuProps = {
    items: [
        key: 'emailMessage',
        text: 'Email message',
        iconProps: { iconName: 'Mail' },
        key: 'calendarEvent',
        text: 'Calendar event',
        iconProps: { iconName: 'Calendar' },
  return (
    <div className="App">

    <div className="ms-Grid-row">
        <div className="ms-Grid-col">
            text="New item"


start page

Кнопка з меню

      splitButtonAriaLabel="See 2 options"
      aria-roledescription="split button"

start page

дока за кнопками

Прикручуємо систему гридів.

Вставимо злили в public/index.html


Приклад гріда.

<div className="ms-Grid" dir="ltr">
  <div className="ms-Grid-row">
    <div className="ms-Grid-col ms-sm6 ms-md4 ms-lg2">
      <DefaultButton text="Standard" allowDisabledFocus />
    <div className="ms-Grid-col ms-sm6 ms-md8 ms-lg10">
      <DefaultButton text="Standard" allowDisabledFocus />

[посилання на документацію] (

Рядок навігації CommandBar.


import { CommandBar, ICommandBarItemProps } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/CommandBar';
import { IButtonProps } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Button';

function App(props: any) {

  const _items: ICommandBarItemProps[] = [
      key: 'newItem',
      text: 'New',
      cacheKey: 'myCacheKey', // changing this key will invalidate this item's cache
      iconProps: { iconName: 'Add' },
      subMenuProps: {
        items: [
            key: 'emailMessage',
            text: 'Email message',
            iconProps: { iconName: 'Mail' },
            ['data-automation-id']: 'newEmailButton', // optional
            key: 'calendarEvent',
            text: 'Calendar event',
            iconProps: { iconName: 'Calendar' },
      key: 'upload',
      text: 'Upload',
      iconProps: { iconName: 'Upload' },
      href: '',
      key: 'share',
      text: 'Share',
      iconProps: { iconName: 'Share' },
      onClick: () => console.log('Share'),
      key: 'download',
      text: 'Download',
      iconProps: { iconName: 'Download' },
      onClick: () => console.log('Download'),

  const _overflowItems: ICommandBarItemProps[] = [
    { key: 'move', text: 'Move to...', onClick: () => console.log('Move to'), iconProps: { iconName: 'MoveToFolder' } },
    { key: 'copy', text: 'Copy to...', onClick: () => console.log('Copy to'), iconProps: { iconName: 'Copy' } },
    { key: 'rename', text: 'Rename...', onClick: () => console.log('Rename'), iconProps: { iconName: 'Edit' } },
  const overflowProps: IButtonProps = { ariaLabel: 'More commands' };

  const _farItems: ICommandBarItemProps[] = [
      key: 'tile',
      text: 'Grid view',
      // This needs an ariaLabel since it's icon-only
      ariaLabel: 'Grid view',
      iconOnly: true,
      iconProps: { iconName: 'Tiles' },
      onClick: () => console.log('Tiles'),
      key: 'info',
      text: 'Info',
      // This needs an ariaLabel since it's icon-only
      ariaLabel: 'Info',
      iconOnly: true,
      iconProps: { iconName: 'Info' },
      onClick: () => console.log('Info'),
return (
    <div className="App">

        ariaLabel="Use left and right arrow keys to navigate between commands"


start page

Рядок навігації Pivot.

    import { PivotItem, IPivotItemProps, Pivot } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Pivot';
    import { Icon } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Icon';
    import { Label, ILabelStyles } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Label';
    import { IStyleSet } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Styling';

    function App(props: any) {
      const labelStyles: Partial<IStyleSet<ILabelStyles>> = {
        root: { marginTop: 10 },

      return (
        <div className="App">

          <Pivot aria-label="Count and Icon Pivot Example">
            <PivotItem headerText="My Files" itemCount={42} itemIcon="Emoji2">
              <Label styles={labelStyles}>Pivot #1</Label>
            <PivotItem itemCount={23} itemIcon="Recent">
              <Label styles={labelStyles}>Pivot #2</Label>
            <PivotItem headerText="Placeholder" itemIcon="Globe">
              <Label styles={labelStyles}>Pivot #3</Label>
            <PivotItem headerText="Shared with me" itemIcon="Ringer" itemCount={1}>
              <Label styles={labelStyles}>Pivot #4</Label>
            <PivotItem headerText="Customized Rendering" itemIcon="Globe" itemCount={10} >
              <Label styles={labelStyles}>Customized Rendering</Label>


export default App;

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